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Thursday 10 March 2011

Is that rabbit yours?

When we stopped because of a black furry 'thing' ahead of us, we thought it was a puppy, having been let out by someone for some fresh air. We were more than surprised to see that it was a rabbit- a black rabbit with a band of fur around its neck, which looked more like a pet collar! It went hopping all around the park, with us in tow, curious to know who did it belong to. Suddenly, it took a service road and hopped out onto the main road! Worried that it might get run over by a car, we followed it. The bunny was for sure lost, because it was responding to the sound of clapping or any whistle, when we tried to attract its attention to the carrot in our hand. It was hopping from garage to garage, probably trying to locate its lost home. Unfortunately, they all look the same, except the make of the car(s) parked in the garage! So much for symmetry!
"This one, or that one?", the rabbit seemd to think as it stopped in front of each garage.
 It was getting dark, and while we did succeed in feeding it the carrot, we did not know what else we could do to save it from getting mauled by a cat or a dog or worse, killed by a car! We called the Community Security and asked for their help. The response was lukewarm, telling us that they will see what they can do. Luckily, a security staff patrolling on his bicycle was passing by and we stopped him to show the rabbit and ask for direction in this regard. He was more honest and said, "Where will we keep the rabbit? But I will inform the head office."
As the bunny hopped on, we had to come back home.
Once home, we called up the Municipality, which is responsible for taking care of pets-related issues, besides a whole lot others. DM was less than forthcoming though. We were told that since this was within the 'community', the Community Security was responsible for it, not the Municipality.
"But you do charge us  a hefty Housing Fee every month," I could not help saying, wondering if the Municipality is not 'responsible' for what goes on in the community, why do we have to pay such a huge amount in Housing Fee to it in the first place.
"Well, that's for everyone!"
"Yes, sure!", I thought, not wanting to discuss the fact that many many people had been living for years without having to pay the fee, and in spite of the Municipality’s claims that their system had been improved and now everyone was being charged fairly, there was no guarantee that we were not being ‘penalised’ for being the law abiding citizens!
"You keep the rabbit", the gentleman on the toll free number said generously.
I wanted to tell him that while I was an animal lover, it was only from a distance- I could not handle them, leave alone catch a hopping rabbit!
I called up the Community Security again and briefed them about my conversation, and requested them to do something before the rabbit gets run over by a driver considering the community roads a highway! Honestly, they said, there was nothing much they could do.
We gave up, hoping that the rabbit with its shiny black fur, attentive ears and happy hopping will be able to find its way home. I have not yet received any 'missing rabbit’ notice from any resident, so that is a good thing. (Or, is it worse- have the owners, like many other pet owners, moved out of the country and left the pet behind to fend for itself on the streets of the city? I hope not!)
On a sadder note, the rabbit made me think that we too are like it. Being non residents of our home country, we have no rights there, except to a NRE account! Being a non-national here, we have no rights here too! I hope, like that bunny rabbit, we can also find our real home one day.

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These observations are my point of view of the life, as I see it. This blog does not intend to hurt, rationalise, judge, ridicule, or in any way offend anyone at is only a way of sharing my own, please take it in the right spirit....thanks.