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Thursday 30 January 2014

What am I meant to Do?

Two days back, 7days had a news item with the following headline:

Commerce boss says estimate of 277,000 Expo2020 jobs is ‘conservative’

"Wow!", I thought to myself, "what an opportunity; if not now, when"; and so on and so forth. You see, I have been out of the full-time job force for almost 9 years now; saying a 'decade' makes it sound even worse. So, one, I have lost the steam that one needs to 'balance' home and work- if there is any such thing in reality, and two, I feel literally redundant as far as the corporate world is concerned- having lost touch with the latest practises, market trends, and so on and so forth.

"Look at the positive side", I chided myself, "It is an opportunity to start afresh. I can decide what is it that I will really enjoy doing in the long-term, rather than going just by my degrees, or thinking what is it that I can manage to do along with my domestic responsibilities, that will also bring in the money?"

You see, I do not want to be a super-mommy but I am sick and tired of the pity with which people treat my job of raising two kids, and looking after their well-being. Yes, while the world around me has changed in many respects, it has not yet learnt to respect the job of a stay-at-home mum, or even a house-wife who is now, in some parts of the world called, a home-maker. May be I am even thankful to these people for reminding me every now and then that I can do something more tangible (read- fathomable in currency terms) with my life and my time, it is just that I have chosen to be content with the non-tangible benefits. But sometimes even I am tempted to get back into this work-force. At the cost of turning my smoothly running world upside down, yes, I am tempted to wear those pant-suits again, feel the power of authority, indulge in buying designer bags; sessions at the spa; regular manicures, pedicures and facials; quick lunches with friends; shop without waiting for Sale- and all of this without feeling guilty- ah! the perks of being a part of this work-force. 

With this is mind, I started thinking- what is that one job that will make me happy for years, what is it that I am 'meant' to do? 
Googling just the same I came across an aptitude test at ( Very enthusiastically, I finished it in a jiffy and turned the page to see the results.

Lo! and behold!! I had a 2/3 score in every question. In simple English, it meant that I have a 66% aptitude to be all of the following, (and yet, not 100% of any of the following):

Engineers, computer programmers, editors. 

Research scientists, police detectives, lawyers. 

Engineers, architects, physicians. 

Economists, financial analysts, accountants. 

Politicians, entrepreneurs, physicians, activists. 

So, in the end, I was a bit disappointed with the ambiguity that the test left me with. I am still unsure if I will find any opportunities in the 277,000 currently estimated; and more importantly, if I will be interested in spending rest of my life doing one of those jobs. But I did learn a very interesting fact- that as a mother for over a decade now, I have been all of the above for my kids....

The bigger questions then is, is anyone in the corporate world looking for a candidate like that- an 'all in one administrator with over 14 years of experience', and even some academic degrees to meet the 'criteria'?


  1. Hey! Blog and all! Nice! Been thinking about it myself, but not clever or enterprising or tech savvy enough. Mo' blog power to you!

    1. hey thanks PG- don't know how i missed this comment! The tech part is rather easy- let me know if you r still interested!


These observations are my point of view of the life, as I see it. This blog does not intend to hurt, rationalise, judge, ridicule, or in any way offend anyone at is only a way of sharing my own, please take it in the right spirit....thanks.