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Wednesday 12 May 2010

Bad Karma alias sickness?

A brand new day, a brand new possibility- but the hope is always the same- May no one fall sick today!
I had a very unique ring tone for my kids' school number- so every time the school would call me, i would almost have a heart-attack. Not because it was always bad news but because one, the school does not call parents unless it is absolutely necessary; and two, the 'unique' ring tone meant i could recognise it as anyone would recognise an ambulance siren! So, my first reaction upon receiving such a phone call would be, "Gosh! what happened??".
After a spate of heart-attack inducing calls (thanks to my child visiting the school clinic so often!), i decided it was time to change that ring tone.
Unfortunately, changing the ring tone hasn't changed the fact that I still visit the hospital as much as before.
Like every other mom on this planet, i wish for complete elimination of disease itself! Why do we need to fall sick when we are going to die anyway? Why, at every stage of life, sickness follows us like a ghost and attacks us anywhere? And, it is not even only the virus, bacteria or the in-betweens- it could even be a sudden, unnecessary breakdown of our body machinery, with no spare parts available or changeable without enough physical, mental emotional and financial agony. Even if it is the result of our bad 'karma', aren't there any other ways that we pay for it??

The answers are many, if you look in any religious book- but all lead us to believe that this is all God's will...but why would God want us to suffer?? Is it because it is that one direct pain that only the sufferer feels the most, one pain that includes all the others in it?
And yet, it is just not fair not to know what you did so bad (bad karma) that you keep on breaking your bank balance and filling up the hospital's!!!! On the lighter side, i also like to console myself by thinking that my visits to the hospital are keeping someone (or many?) in employment and hence keeping at least a couple of families well taken care of!!!

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These observations are my point of view of the life, as I see it. This blog does not intend to hurt, rationalise, judge, ridicule, or in any way offend anyone at is only a way of sharing my own, please take it in the right spirit....thanks.