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Wednesday 15 April 2015


OK! I am finally convinced that I will be like fish out of water when we move back to India. Why, it already seems like a different country! For example, a friend told me yesterday about her friend's extramarital affair that has been going on for a few years now. She did not want to share the 'secret' but the pressure of keeping it for so long had started getting on her nerves. And since I do not know her friend, she could safely use A and B instead of their real names, without a threat to their private and public lives. 

To say I was shocked, would be an under-statement because these two people in question were not some teenagers; high on hormones, confused, infatuated, experimenting until they met the right, these were grown ups- people in their forties, people with families where they play the role of parents to their children, and caretakers for their aging parents, people with long-standing marriages where they shared history and future, people who could very well comprehend the consequences of their actions but they just chose to follow their heart (?). Well- this must be what they call mid-life crisis then. Like no one told that marriages are not all fairy-tale 'happily ever-after' affairs until you find it for yourself  that there is no such thing as a 'perfect marriage', no one told about mid-life crisis either! 

Extra-marital affairs are not new to mankind but they have, historically, held the status of being taboo, an exception rather than the what has happened now? When did the moral code change so much that people now 'want to experiment outside marriage', with or without the knowledge of their spouses? Whatever happened to the old-fashioned covert appreciation of another person's husband or wife or partner, and leaving it at that? Is it really normal now for people to look for a little extended comfort and excitement outside marriage when they start seeing their own marriage as stagnant, and want to do nothing to improve it? Or are there any other reasons too? 

Looking at my face, my friend said I was over-reacting....this was 'almost the norm', at least in metros! Is it? I am not judging anyone but it would be interesting to know what motivates, gives courage to people to break the promises of fidelity, without guilt. And, equally interesting to know if they would be so forgiving of their partner's/ spouse's little experiments too?


  1. the soul always know what to do to heal itself... the challenge is to silence the mind...

  2. Almost everyone is loyal in the beginning. If the relationship is strong and good, that loyalty deepens. If the marriage is failing and partners are hurting, they aren't that loyal anymore.

    Love is the same way. It can come and go. How many of us thought we were in love from time to time only to realize we weren't or that we shouldn't have been or change our minds after awhile. Love at first sight, there's only one person for us all...all a bunch of nonsense. If that were true...we'd all marry the first partner we had and live happily ever after...and that is not only rare...but it's even more rare that it works out. Even if it DOES work out, it's usually something that ends badly or is a relationship of comfortability and/or desperation more so than out of true "love".

    1. When people are in love, they imagine getting married will mean a lifetime of togetherness and love forever. No one tells them that marriage is a different ballgame altogether- to even sustain the love that brings them together, they have to work hard. And, isn't love fleeting in itself anyway? I have seen typical Indian 'arranged' marriages where love is not even a factor under consideration- but more often than not, they are some of the most successful marriages- success measured in terms of companionship and togetherness... I am not saying that you should be forced to continue a bad marriage- I am only saying a relationship like marriage deserves loyalty because there are too many people who can get hurt and not just the two people who choose to go astray. So if it is a bad marriage and no one is happy- do exercise your legal/ social options and get out of it, but don't pretend to be happily married and yet explore your 'options'!


These observations are my point of view of the life, as I see it. This blog does not intend to hurt, rationalise, judge, ridicule, or in any way offend anyone at is only a way of sharing my own, please take it in the right spirit....thanks.