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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Warning: Fragile! Handle with Care!!

Diwali is all about materialism- the wealth being spent, exchanged and acquired. And I firmly believe that even if some people choose to say it has become more commercial with every passing year, there is no fun without gifts. Exchange of gifts is essential to Diwali, as is the exchange of good wishes. Traditionally, this exchange mainly meant exchange of sweets but as people have become more aware and more diabetic and as the sweet makers have started resorting to sourcing chemical laden artificial milk and it’s by products for making of these sweets, every Diwali sees 'new' gift ideas.

As we get ready to light up the world tomorrow and exchange gifts, I am wondering if there really was a need to spend all that money on the gifts this year. I mean, I do have last year's and the year before’s unopened gifts, literally; and being Indians, we take pride in the fact that long before the West even discovered the need for it, we were recycling everything- from clothes to newspapers to gift wrapping papers to gifts themselves! So, what stopped me from being the true Indian now?
Well, the appropriateness. The unopened ones are still unopened (I mean, they were opened from a side and seen but not opened fully!) because they are either totally inappropriate for Diwali, or are in too old boxes ( I suspect, having been recycled a lot more times, and are probably unwanted!), or too bad to be even given away.
What is it with people? Some perfectly normal people with seemingly (going by their adorned houses) perfect taste in things seem to get so stingy while buying gifts for others that it affects their choice, and to some extent their reputation. As a receiver of some of such gifts, I sincerely feel they should refrain from gifting anything at all. That would really be better than gifting something so utterly out of place that I can do nothing but let it occupy space and dust in my storage space!

I am all for recycling of unwanted gifts- it saves time, money and space in every house- but there has to be some common sense attached to the process. You should not give what you consider a total invasion of space in your home to someone else just for the sake of seeing that good-for-nothing 'gift' finally gone from your house. Do not, please do not, give new-born baby stuff to a household which does not have a new born baby! Do not give expired gift vouchers- they might look good and so useful but you can for sure say goodbye to your next party invitation! Also, please refrain from giving recently expired or just- about- to-expire chocolate boxes- literally bad taste!!! In fact, regular supermarket chocolates should altogether be avoided (unless they really are the last resort!). I think they scream- ‘I was too late! I had no patience to choose something better! You are not on my priority list- so even though I got your invitation weeks ago, I had no time!’ Also, if you know a person closely enough to know that he/she is diabetic, please do not gift sweets.

The point is festivals are fun with gifts and meeting and eating and greeting. Even if you have to spend a little time in thinking and choosing, take heart in the fact that you do this just once a year- so you might as well do it nicely, or do not do it at all! Take a small plant instead, a small card, even an open and honest apology that you could not find anything appropriate. It would certainly be better than a bad gift, though if you make a habit of turning up at people's parties and lunches and dinners with just apologies, you will have to cook your own very soon (unless you are lucky enough to have friends who just want you to be a part of their happiness and specifically want no gifts!)
And for those who believe in ‘recycle and reuse’- please do remember to remove the original gifter's name card from inside the gift wrapping!
Happy Gifting! The season had just started!!!

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