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Sunday 28 August 2016

Back to the Future

I wanted to say Back to School- but it didn't sound interesting enough, especially when everyone - from malls to online news sites- is selling everything from ideas to bags to stationery to lunch boxes and water bottles under the title Back to School. Truly, starts to feel as if kids are going on a space exploration expedition rather than the same old regular school!

Ok- there I did underplay a bit. Because, frankly, after two months of lazy mornings, late nights, (one of the perks of having a non FTE mom!), no pressure days and evenings, with the blazing sun as our reason, and excuse for doing nothing, it is kind of hard to go back to school when everything seems to be the same as the beginning of the holidays- the sun is still hot at 42-46 degrees during the day e.g. So, yes, going back to school after the long summer break, that did not seem long enough this year, is a big deal indeed.

We have spent the last week getting our uniforms and books and bags, and breakfast and lunch menus in order, and celebrated the last evening before 'back-to-school' watching the much hyped The Secret Life of Pets. As sorted as that looks, the toughest part has been finding that alarm clock that we lost exactly two months ago- the one that we could not live without, the one that we had hidden behind pile of books, and then pile of clothes, and then pile of holiday bags, and some more piles till it eventually disappeared- that clock. It is cream in colour, has clearly marked digits on it, tells perfect time, and was set ten minutes ahead of the normal time to give that leeway of ten minutes every school morning! Yep- still looking for it!!

Another hard thing is getting used to kids' absence. I kind of like having them around- even if that means my normal routine life has to be readjusted. Their presence is what makes the house feel like a home- their attempts at cooking and that too cuisine that is not ours, lots of arguments and plans and sulking because of absolute boredom, cajoling them to come with me for grocery shopping because it is too boring a chore to do alone- it is all very heart-warming for me, personally. And yet, this morning, at the neighbourhood grocery store, shopping alone made me feel like, normal, very 'back-to-schoolish'! and believe me, normal is good!

So, here is to 'back-to-school' and all the mommies who give up their normal lives to be at beck and call of kids during the summer, to all the daddies who have no option but to live alone and go to work daily in the horrid summer here while their families move to cooler pastures, to all the kids who fill our homes with their voices and happiness- good luck! Let the madness of school activities and Parent Coffee Mornings, and school meetings, and school runs, and after school activities, and birthday parties and last minute projects begin! Hope this new school year fulfills many dreams and potentials....and brings a blessed winter ahead!
Image courtesy: Google Images

Thursday 7 January 2016

I Promise!

I have never said those words to anyone- not in my recent, fresh memory at least. Not those two exact words. Especially not after I learnt another beautiful word, InshaAallah, God Willing.  Na- never. May be because I have never had the conviction with which they were said to my son recently, "I promise- by tomorrow you will be absolutely fine." I am not sure if she really was so sure, or she was just giving us confidence but for sure, I could not help admiring her confidence!

But it also made me wonder, is that what it is- a confidence game? Do people really mean it when they say so? Or does it become a habit with them- a subconscious act of conscious training? What gives them so much confidence in their skill, in themselves? Do they really feel in control of circumstances, or is it just positive thinking? Whatever it is, it is admirable because it creates faith- faith at a time when it is most needed; faith that whatever it is you are being promised, it will be done, that someone is actually in control of everything and someone knows their job well enough to promise you with such conviction.

But what happens when after being told, "I promise!" things go wrong, work does not get done, promises are not kept? Anger, I am sure, is the first emotion. And then disbelief that how could it happen when the promise was made with such vehement conviction?  Negativity, in short.

May be that is why I have never had the confidence to say to anyone - "I promise!". And yet, I admit that  it feels great to have someone with such strength, confidence, and conviction in our life- someone who can give hope and comfort when you need it the most. Now, if only everyone who says/ said "I promise" keeps/ kept their promise!