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Sunday 6 May 2012

India's Dr. Oz?

I am all for inspiration- inspired writings, inspired movies, inspired lives...but where it is due, and where it is possible, credit should be given to the original creator. I happened to watch 'All is Well with Dr. Ahluwalia' on Colours today. I am wondering why does it look so similar to Dr. Oz's show? The format, the topics of discussion, the audience involvement, the friendly doctor hosting the show....except that Dr. Ahluwalia seems very young (there goes the 'experience' part of credibility!, and i missed the beginning so i am not sure who Dr. Ahluwalia exactly is excpet that he hosts this show!!). I waited until the end of the show to see the credits for any hint of a "Thank you for not copywriting your format", or "Sorry, we borrowed the format without permission", or acknowledgement "Yes, we did copy the format but then we are experts at that...remmeber KBC etc. etc.???". But the credits rolled so fast that i could not read anything at all.
What is next...Doctors (Indianised of course!) on a competitor channel? Any day now!!

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