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Sunday 29 May 2011

The nosy ones in your life!

There are friends, neighbours, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances; and then, there are nosy friends, neighbours, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances! I prefer the first type. However, i have come to understand that the latter type has its own plus points!

As a brand new bride, visiting my family for the first time after marriage, the one common question a lot of these people in my life asked me was, “You’re happy na?" It took me a few moments to answer that question, because it was so deep. Marriage changes you, your whole existing world, and how do you decide in a few days, weeks or even months really if you are happy post-marriage, and how do you not confuse the adjustment period, that is for sure a difficult one, with unhappiness? I hope my brief silence while answering that question was not seen as my 'unhappiness'.
A couple I know haven’t been able to start a family even many years post marriage due to some medical issues. I have never asked them about it but i have seen aunties asking the lady, "Any luck?", "What did the doctor say?”, “Why don’t you see so and so doctor?” , “Adoption?” etc. etc. I am not sure they appreciate having to answer the same questions again and again, i am sure though that their privacy should have been respected. If they feel up to it, if they feel they can talk to anyone about that matter, it is up to them. But no…there is no respite from people who think it their birthright to interfere in other people’s lives, or on a more sincere note, may be they actually mean good but their tact needs a lot more polish.
"Oh, she is nice. Her husband has also come?" (The secret thought in my mind is, if he had come, you'd have seen him!)
"So, when are you going to your in-laws place?" (because if i am not, their interpretation is, "Don't know what is wrong- her husband does not come here, she does not go there...")
"When is your son coming back, or is he going to stay there only?" (I am sure, in their heart of hearts, this nosy neighbour/ relative is hoping that the son does not come back, so they will always have something to gossip about!)
"Oh, the boy is an NRI..but do check properly...we have heard enough stories..." (secretly hoping they also find a NRI boy for their girl!)
I have been asked this on every birthday and anniversary by a particular person, ever since i came to know her, “So, what did you get as a gift?" It is not a significant question as such, but i did not wish to share it with anyone. I wondered, why was she asking me that question, year after year,  when i had never asked her the same?
and then  there are extremes, (it really does get hilarious!)

"She has come from Dubai?” this question is directed at my parents. The next one is for me,

“How much gold did you bring beta?",
and all i can do is  try to keep my open (in awe of this talent!) mouth shut! It is a talent that i do not have- the art of being so direct that it leaves the other person literally speechless.

There is a very thin line between natural curiosity and unjustified interference. These people cross that line. I guess it would have been better if people had a cleaner heart when they asked these questions. If they just said, "let me know if you need any help..." it would be far less interfering and interrogative in anyway than rubbing salt on someone's existing wounds or fishing for someone's personal life details for judgement and gossip.

On the brighter side, such nosy people are constant reminders that there are non-nosy people too- your real well-wishers who do not probe unless you are ready to share your life with them,  and who appreciate the privacy that you need, and who let YOU draw that line yourself. They might test your patience but they teach you how to handle them too. Besides, gossip always has a short life! And, anyway, who cares??


  1. Liked it very much.....:-)))

    Rohit Jain

  2. @Rohit Jain: thanks Rohit :) glad you enjoyed it...


These observations are my point of view of the life, as I see it. This blog does not intend to hurt, rationalise, judge, ridicule, or in any way offend anyone at is only a way of sharing my own, please take it in the right spirit....thanks.