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Tuesday 26 April 2011

Belated Apology

I forgot my friend's daughter's birthday, in spite of remembering it rest of the year round!
I forgot to return a borrowed pair of shoes back in University, in spite of seeing them every day in my room.
I forgot my colleague's birthday too- only because i was away on leave and was not checking FB regularly. On any other day, you could ask me and i would know for sure when she cuts her cake!
I forgot my friend's anniversary, only to ask my husband a couple of days later if it was the 22nd today! "Oh God! I forgot V's wedding anniversary, again!"

What is worse is, i haven’t made amends. Not because i did not want to but because i was too embarrassed in the first place. I was too embarrassed to admit that i was so busy in my life that i forgot important days in my friends' and relatives' lives. I could have made amends, following the adage "Better late than never", but it never seemed right enough and it just kept on getting late and later and latest.
In hindsight though, it seems it would have been really a good idea to follow that adage.
 It would have been less damaging.
It would have been better than my friend thinking on my kid's birthday, "She never remembered my child's birthday, why should i remember her child's?”
 It would have been better than my other friend thinking "She 'kept' my shoes!" when i didn’t. I was so embarrassed at the delay in returning her shoes that i just did not have the courage and in the end, just before leaving the hostel, i gave them away to one of the helpers there.
Just before i wrote this post, I made my first such amend. I had missed wishing a senior colleague on his special day, because i simply didn’t get a chance todo so on that particular day. But I wrote to him today to let him know that our best wishes were just a little late. It has been easier than having to explain later, more out of guilt rather than anything else,  all that contributed to forgotten birthdays and anniversaries and everything else in between.
So, this is my open apology to all my friends and relatives and colleagues and acquaintances-
"No, i did not forget it. I just could not wish you on your special day for reasons i have forgotten myself now. So, just so you know- best wishes, always!"


  1. I dint knw that this happens to others as well ... I used to think that I am the only one who misses important days ... I remember that I used to see calendar regularly to check my frnd's birthday ... and on his Birthday I talked to him but could not recall that it was some special day ... Few hours later I realised and called him to tell that I forgort his birthday ... and he said that talking to each other on important matters is much more better than only wishing important days .. I may forget his imp day again ;) .. but can not forget the way he accepted my late wishes :)

  2. @ Anon: it was funnier than i thought! but a very familiar scenario...i can assure you- you WILL forget your friend's birthday again- just call and wish him as and when you do remember!!!!


These observations are my point of view of the life, as I see it. This blog does not intend to hurt, rationalise, judge, ridicule, or in any way offend anyone at is only a way of sharing my own, please take it in the right spirit....thanks.