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Thursday 3 July 2014

Limited Time offer.............................................................................

To mark the fourth of July holiday, On My Way Home will be available at:

51% discount.....for 32 hours only!!!! Only on!!!!!

So whatever your reason for not having bought the book as yet, this long weekend is the time to buy it!!!!!

This limited period offer starts on July 4, 2014 at 12AM PST......

Thursday 5 June 2014

Up there!

Well, yesterday was a very special day. It was my first 'public appearance' involving the book. I was excited, of course, thankful for the opportunity, and under the impression that I will be just doing the 'draw' for the participants. 
I took a whole day to decide what i should wear, and settled for Indian wear considering it wa s gathering of NRIs. Got my hair done, tried my heels, and asked the hotel for directions the night before. Yesterday morning, I left the home early enough to reach the venue at least 15 minutes before. Closer to the venue, i got lost and called them repeatedly for the directions, still always missing one side street. In despair, I asked a fellow driver and he told me to take a u-turn after the 'next two signals'. But when i reached the second signal, it said, "No- u-turn'! I went out of the area and repeated the whole process, keeping the venue staff on the phone line with me all the while. When a friend called, i told him i was too lost to talk right now. Very kindly, he called me back a little later to give me directions! All in all, I barely managed to reach the venue in time. 

Once there, I felt so out of place for a moment, just for a moment- all the NRi gathering was dressed in Western wear! Thank you very much!!!
My host was very gracious and introduced me to a lot of his colleagues and we were having a good chat when he asked me, "Would you like to say something about your book? 2 minutes?"
I paused before asking myself, "Would I? Why not...?"
I said, "Would they be interested? The book is not even available here...."
But it was decided i should. For rest of the morning, I wondered if I should 'prepare a script'? I decided not to- I know my book well enough...and then, how hard can it be to talk about it?

When they called me on the stage, i wondered why 'flats' cannot be as formal or dressy as 'heels'. My legs threatened to give way because I was wearing heels 1/2 size too small, squashing my foot and causing circulation problems! In my mind, I had a broad idea of how i wanted to start and end....but once up there, it just took a life of its own...reminding me that it had been over ten years since I had spoken to a gathering at all, and over 25 years since I had spoken on a stage like this. No wonder  my train of thought had got muddled up, and i was not saying the things i wanted to....I  was worried the audience was losing interest, but there was a saviour- the lady on the table in the front whose gentle smile was very encouraging. In the end, it was a bit awkward but a very enriching experience...

I learnt:
1. You never know where help can come from....

2. Never ever buy heels/ shoes which are even 1/2 a size small, even if the sales guy says "it is leather and will expand..."

3. Be comfortable in what you are wearing. I was....and very happy that in that sea of blacks and white and an occasional sea-green shirt, I was wearing a rich colour.

4. It does not harm to have some bullet points in front of you to control your train of thoughts- because the world does seem very different from up there!

5. Enjoy....every moment of the experience because it is worth it!

So, that how my first public appearance, and my first 'speech' about the book went. I was worried  thinking i messed it up, but then thought about sharing it nevertheless...there is no laughter like laughing at myself! :)))))))))))

Monday 2 June 2014

On My Way Home

I am absolutely thrilled to share with you that my debut novel, On My Way Home, is now available as ebook on all Amazon sites. Although i have mentioned this in the book as well, I would once again like to thank you all for your support, and good wishes....

For your convenience, just click on the link of your country of residence below to read a part of the book free, and place an order if you like it. Fesh audio clips of the book also get regularly posted on so follow me there for more updates....

United States:

United Kingdom:











Photo: I am absolutely thrilled to share with you that my debut novel, On My Way Home, is now available as ebook on all Amazon sites. Although i have mentioned this in the book as well, I would once again like to thank you all for your support, and good wishes....

For your convenience, I am listing below all the Amazon sites:

United States:

United Kingdom:











Unfortunately, the book is not yet available in the Middle East (if that is your location in the Amazon account). But inshaallah...soon!

Look forward to your feedback :))))....thank you!!!!!!

Unfortunately, the book is not yet available in the Middle East (if that is your location in the Amazon account), and a few other countries.

Look forward to your feedback :))))....thank you!!!!!!

Thursday 30 January 2014

What am I meant to Do?

Two days back, 7days had a news item with the following headline:

Commerce boss says estimate of 277,000 Expo2020 jobs is ‘conservative’

"Wow!", I thought to myself, "what an opportunity; if not now, when"; and so on and so forth. You see, I have been out of the full-time job force for almost 9 years now; saying a 'decade' makes it sound even worse. So, one, I have lost the steam that one needs to 'balance' home and work- if there is any such thing in reality, and two, I feel literally redundant as far as the corporate world is concerned- having lost touch with the latest practises, market trends, and so on and so forth.

"Look at the positive side", I chided myself, "It is an opportunity to start afresh. I can decide what is it that I will really enjoy doing in the long-term, rather than going just by my degrees, or thinking what is it that I can manage to do along with my domestic responsibilities, that will also bring in the money?"

You see, I do not want to be a super-mommy but I am sick and tired of the pity with which people treat my job of raising two kids, and looking after their well-being. Yes, while the world around me has changed in many respects, it has not yet learnt to respect the job of a stay-at-home mum, or even a house-wife who is now, in some parts of the world called, a home-maker. May be I am even thankful to these people for reminding me every now and then that I can do something more tangible (read- fathomable in currency terms) with my life and my time, it is just that I have chosen to be content with the non-tangible benefits. But sometimes even I am tempted to get back into this work-force. At the cost of turning my smoothly running world upside down, yes, I am tempted to wear those pant-suits again, feel the power of authority, indulge in buying designer bags; sessions at the spa; regular manicures, pedicures and facials; quick lunches with friends; shop without waiting for Sale- and all of this without feeling guilty- ah! the perks of being a part of this work-force. 

With this is mind, I started thinking- what is that one job that will make me happy for years, what is it that I am 'meant' to do? 
Googling just the same I came across an aptitude test at ( Very enthusiastically, I finished it in a jiffy and turned the page to see the results.

Lo! and behold!! I had a 2/3 score in every question. In simple English, it meant that I have a 66% aptitude to be all of the following, (and yet, not 100% of any of the following):

Engineers, computer programmers, editors. 

Research scientists, police detectives, lawyers. 

Engineers, architects, physicians. 

Economists, financial analysts, accountants. 

Politicians, entrepreneurs, physicians, activists. 

So, in the end, I was a bit disappointed with the ambiguity that the test left me with. I am still unsure if I will find any opportunities in the 277,000 currently estimated; and more importantly, if I will be interested in spending rest of my life doing one of those jobs. But I did learn a very interesting fact- that as a mother for over a decade now, I have been all of the above for my kids....

The bigger questions then is, is anyone in the corporate world looking for a candidate like that- an 'all in one administrator with over 14 years of experience', and even some academic degrees to meet the 'criteria'?